No part of the company’s business was managed during the year by any third party in which any director had an interest.
The company has a process in place whereby the directors and key management have confirmed that, to the best of their knowledge, the information disclosed in Tongaat Hulett Limited’s annual financial statements fairly represents their shareholding in the company, both beneficial and indirect, interest in share options of the company and the compensation earned from the company for the financial year. In addition, the directors and key management have confirmed that all interests have been declared.
No director, officer or employee may deal either directly
or indirectly in the company’s shares on the basis of unpublished price-sensitive information regarding its business or affairs. In addition, no director, officer or employee may trade in the company’s shares during closed periods. Closed periods are from the end of the interim and annual reporting periods
to the announcement of financial and operating results for
the respective periods, and while the company is under a cautionary announcement.
The directors confirm that they are satisfied that the company has adequate strategic, financial and operational resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. The basis upon which this assessment is made is recorded at the time of approval of the annual financial statements. The Board continues to adopt the going concern basis for preparing the financial statements.
The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the Investor Relations and Communications Executive interface regularly with institutional investors on key strategic themes and the performance of the company, through various presentations and scheduled meetings as per the company’s investor relations program. The current program includes management conducting roadshows in South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, in addition to its participation in selected national and international conferences. Through the company’s website, a wide range of information is available to all shareholders and other stakeholders, including the integrated annual report, information on investor relations, and updates of the company’s activities and its many initiatives to promote stakeholder value creation and sustainability. Tongaat Hulett remains committed to principles of transparency, and copies of presentations given to the investment community are available on the company’s website. The company encourages the attendance of shareholders at AGMs and welcomes fruitful discussions and questions arising from the agenda and any additional issues of interest or concern to the shareholders.