Tongaat Hulett’s activities in the areas in which it operates
are central to the key socio-economic issues of growth
and development. The business has a significant
advantage in its long-standing constructive relationships
with rural communities, governments and other key
stakeholders in the SADC region. There is increasing evidence
of the pro-active role that Tongaat Hulett is playing, in
partnership with other key stakeholders, in multiple locations
across the SADC region to improve the socio-economic
dynamics of rural communities and communities in the lower
socio-economic strata. These interventions are taking place
on a level that is sufficient to make meaningful and substantial
positive impacts on the stakeholders with which
Tongaat Hulett is partnering. Examples of key initiatives are
detailed below:
Partnering with local governments and other key stakeholders
to grow and develop small-scale private farmers and create
value for rural communities
- In Mozambique, some 2 735 indigenous private farmers
on 6 155 private and leased hectares supplied sugarcane to
Tongaat Hulett operations during the year under review.
- The SusCo project in Zimbabwe is ongoing and currently
813 farmers are actively farming on 14 000 hectares.
At the conclusion of the SusCo project, 872 farmers will farm
15 880 hectares of land.
- The company is continuing with its efforts to increase
the support that it provides to small-scale sugarcane
private farmers in South Africa, with the business’s
partnership through Operation Vuselela being an example
of the model underway to contribute to skills transfer and
the development of previously unemployed rural
community members. Visit our website for more detail at
Developing and implementing a portfolio of land and
property development approaches that are integral to the
economic growth of the region
- Tongaat Hulett’s ongoing property developments in the KZN
North Coast region are contributing to increased investment,
infrastructure and job creation in the key growth nodes
around Umhlanga, Ballito and the Airport region.
- Within Durban/eThekwini and adjacent municipalities,
Tongaat Hulett’s attention is firmly on evolving as a partner
of choice for social delivery around housing, infrastructure,
jobs and economic opportunities. The Durban and Ballito area has a growing population of 3,9 million people and a
housing backlog of some 400 000 units. These factors are
contributing to ongoing expansion into Tongaat Hulett’s land
holdings both to the north and west. This creates opportunity
within the Durban/eThekwini Municipality and surrounding
local and district municipalities for the business to respond
proactively within its land conversion portfolio in formulating
and implementing responses that maximise delivery in
respect of the needs of communities of lower socio-economic
- Details of the business’s successful partnership with multiple
spheres of government in the development of the Cornubia
Integrated Housing Settlement, have been provided in this
report and provide an indication of the models that can be
implemented to successfully address the needs of people
from lower socio-economic strata. Visit our website for more
detail at
Maintaining and developing strong relationships with
Tongaat Hulett’s stakeholders
- Tongaat Hulett has long standing relationships with many
stakeholders including shareholders, private farmers,
rural communities, representative bodies, governments,
employees and suppliers. The company interfaces with
its stakeholders in a transparent manner that seeks to
understand the unique context within which each
stakeholder grouping operates.
More information on Tongaat Hulett’s stakeholder engagement
can be found here.
from existing installed milling capacity,
through increasing the supply of sugarcane
to milling operations
Tongaat Hulett’s activities in the areas in which it operates
are central to the key socio-economic issues of growth
and development. The business has a significant
advantage in its long-standing constructive relationships
with rural communities, governments and other key
stakeholders in the SADC region. There is increasing evidence
of the pro-active role that Tongaat Hulett is playing, in
partnership with other key stakeholders, in multiple locations
across the SADC region to improve the socio-economic
dynamics of rural communities and communities in the lower
socio-economic strata. These interventions are taking place
on a level that is sufficient to make meaningful and substantial
positive impacts on the stakeholders with which
Tongaat Hulett is partnering. Examples of key initiatives are
detailed below:
Sugar production - momentum established
Tongaat Hulett has increased its sugar production by 400 000
tons in the past three years to 1,424 million tons, with a target of
more than 1,8 million tons by 2017/18. To achieve the targeted
production, the priority remains to increase sugarcane supplies
through the appropriate balance of a combination of improved
cane yields, sugar recoveries and adittional hectares under cane.
- The focus remains on increasing the sugar that is contained in
and extracted from the cane stalk, through improved farming
practices, suitable fertilizer application, appropriate irrigation
of cane, harvesting of cane at the correct age (which is normally
every 12-13 months) and better mill performance.
- The business continues to use emerging possibilities for cane
development to prioritise the establishment of indigenous
black farmers in collaboration with communities, local
governments and other relevant stakeholders, in all its areas of
To put Tongaat Hulett’s sugar production into context, the
world’s largest sugar company produces less than 5 million tons
sugar per annum in a total market of some 180 million tons. The
sugar industry is regionally-driven, with no dominant individual
producers. Success is driven by capabilities in local agriculture
and local/regional markets, together with socio-economic
Global production and consumption
Global sugar prices are volatile and continue to be impacted,
inter alia, by surpluses or shortages. On the supply side, changes
can happen rapidly based on farmer behaviour and weather
patterns. Lower prices impact the extent of fertilizer and other
inputs that are used by farmers, which in turn will affect future
production. On the demand side, global demand for sugar has
been consistently rising at two percent per annum. Growth in
the global consumption of sugar is primarily driven by increasing
demand in developing countries, which historically have a low
per capita consumption as a result of limited availability and
distribution capacity.
In the African context, there are many countries that are currently
in a sugar deficit position, and therefore could benefit from
Tongaat Hulett growing into its available milling capacity.
Africa, with more than one billion people, is an attractive sugar
market with growing consumption.
Sugar Markets
Tongaat Hulett focuses primarily on the local markets in which
the company has operations, and seeks to limit the extent of raw
sugar imports into these countries.
The company supplies sugar into various regional African
markets, particularly where sugar deficits exist and the per capita
consumption continues to grow.
World sugar production by company
(1000 tonnes rv, 2013/14, figures in brackets = 2012/13 rank)

The Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Swaziland operations have “duty- and quota-free” access into the EU. The duty-free, quotafree
access for sugar granted to ACP (African Caribbean Pacific)
and LDC (Least Developed Countries)/EBA (Everything but Arms)
countries will remain in place beyond October 2017. Tongaat
Hulett has well established links into the EU together with a good
customer base.
Maximise the benefit of owning the leading sugar brands and
strong distribution networks in the SADC region
- The South African sugar market is the largest in the Southern
African Customs Union (SACU). Tongaat Hulett with its
leading Huletts® brand is well positioned to continue
benefiting from any further growth in domestic
- The company is poised to benefit from future growth in
consumption in Botswana and Namibia with its leading
Blue Crystal® and Marathon® brands.
- The Huletts Sunsweet® brand is the leading sugar brand
in Zimbabwe, and is well positioned to benefit when
domestic consumption levels return to rates seen prior to
hyper-inflation in the country.
- Mozambique has seen a 66 percent increase in it’s sugar
consumption over the past ten years. The country’s per capita
consumption is well below other countries in the region.
'000 Tons * |
2007/08 |
2008/09 |
2009/10 |
2010/11 |
2011/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
projection |
Sugarcane and beet
production |
167 041 |
150 070 |
159 782 |
167 982 |
174 777 |
186 458 |
180 109 |
177 783 |
Estimated consumption |
161 066 |
160 787 |
162 969 |
164 908 |
168 837 |
173 747 |
176 825 |
180 396 |
Surplus/(Deficit) |
5 975 |
(10 717) |
(3 187) |
3 074 |
5 940 |
12 711 |
3 284 |
(2 613) |
Estimated world
closing stock |
64 580 |
53 863 |
50 676 |
53 750 |
59 690 |
72 401 |
75 684 |
73 071 |
Reducing Costs of Production
Tongaat Hulett has an ongoing cost reduction process with a
particular focus on bought-in goods and services, marketing,
transport and salaries and wages. Sugar production costs have
a high fixed cost percentage and unit costs of production will
continue to benefit from further growth in volumes from the
existing asset base.
- 80 percent of sugar milling costs are fixed, 90 percent of
overhead costs are fixed and the majority of farming costs
are fixed per hectare. Volume increases will lead to reductions
in unit costs. The business will continue to ensure that it
optimises the tons cane per hectare (tcph) that is derived
from land that is under sugarcane. Loading and transport
costs vary depending on the distance to the sugar mill, and
generally mills are supplied by sugarcane that is farmed within
a 100 kilometre radius. The growth in sugarcane supplies
and subsequently sugar production will lead to a substantial
reduction in the unit cost of production.
The global sugar industry has seen a fundamental shift take
place, as increasing quantities of sugarcane are directed at
renewable electricity generation and ethanol production as
a comprehensive rural and agriculture development strategy,
an effective carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation strategy and
an alternative to crude oil-based fuels. The introduction
of renewable energy products into the sugar value chain
provides an opportunity to extract more value from the cane
plant and the synergies between the three products (sugar,
ethanol and electricity) provide opportunities to reduce costs
and increase competitiveness.
A core pillar of the electricity planning of the South African
Department of Energy focusses on the development of renewable and co-generation electricity through
Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The electricity
procurement through IPPs is being aligned with the
government objectives to grow the economy significantly
and contribute to the potential for job creation on the scale
that government is targeting.
- Tongaat Hulett has the potential to generate around
300MW of electricity using the cane fibre available in its
South African operations. The business is well advanced in
the development of plans for its first 95 MW high efficiency
electricity generation plant based on cane fibre in anticipation
of the RFP process for co-generation.
- Tongaat Hulett is currently developing plans for a 120 million
liter per annum fuel ethanol plant. This planning ties in with
the projected increase in cane supply to the South African
milling operations, and is based on the conversion of export
sugar into ethanol.
The expansion of the economically-active population
in South Africa and the rest of Africa is positive for the
volume growth of these products and with the ability to
increase production, from existing installed wet-milling
capacity, the company is well placed to benefit from
increased demand. The business currently has 20 percent
of its installed up-stream wet-milling capacity available.
- Tongaat Hulett’s customers in the coffee and coffee creamer
sectors are seeing increased demand for their product in
the SADC region and beyond, and the company’s recent
investment in its downstream capacity will ideally position it
to further support this growth market.
- The world is continuing to evolve in terms of the selection of a
feedstock for the production of sweeteners, with both maize
and sugarcane being suitable alternatives. Tongaat Hulett’s
significant investments in the production of sweeteners
using both feedstocks will ensure that the business is well
positioned to benefit from global developments in this area.
Accelerating the pace of land conversion and cash flow,
benefitting from the activities undertaken over the past
few years
Tongaat Hulett is in a unique position with its extensive
portfolio of cane land in KZN that can be converted to urban,
tourism and other high-value uses with Durban/eThekwini,
Umhlanga, Ballito and the Airport region expanding into its
landholdings. These dynamics are leading to increasing value
uplift, earnings and cash flow generation from land conversion.
The central strategic thrust of Tongaat Hulett’s land conversion
process is to create substantial value for all stakeholders.
The success of the process to date and the value to be created
into the future is fundamentally underpinned by deep and
constructive relationships with national, provincial and local
spheres of government and with the various communities in the
region. Tongaat Hulett’s profile as a locally-owned, active partner
of government and communities in growing agriculture and
creating sustainable livelihoods for rural communities in KZN is
a unique advantage in ensuring that the highest value is created
from this land conversion process.
Land conversion from an agricultural base to higher-intensity
urban uses requires policy and planning leadership from
the appropriate sphere of government. Tongaat Hulett has
collaborative relationships with all spheres of government that are essential to maintain the momentum of infrastructural
investment for the benefit of all stakeholders.
The nature and style of the land conversion process varies,
depending on the potential usage and positioning of the land
concerned. Currently, some of the key themes being focused on
are: urban growth and consolidation in the Umhlanga region;
coastal/lifestyle/leisure/high-end residential; the airport region– business and residential; urban expansion west of Durban; resort
development in the coastal area north of Ballito; and integrated
housing and development in the greater Durban areas for people
from the lower socio-economic strata.
The Durban/eThekwini and kwaDukuza/iLembe/Ballito area
has an expanding economy. Key expectations underpinning the
accelerated pace of and increasing value creation from Tongaat
Hulett’s land conversion processes in KZN are:
The increasing impact and acceleration of development in
Umhlanga as the prime location for real estate investment
in the Durban region, within which Tongaat Hulett is the
largest landowner, with some 1 100 developable hectares in
place for conversion to development over the next few years,
predominantly at the higher end of the value realisation
- Durban’s international airport is ten kilometres north of
Umhlanga. The attractiveness of this area for local and foreign
fixed investment is increasing continuously. Tongaat Hulett
is focussing on some 1 725 hectares of land in the region
immediately surrounding the airport towards attracting
investment over the next five years and is working actively
with the KZN government, Dube TradePort company, ACSA,
eThekwini, kwaDukuza and iLembe municipalities and other
key stakeholders to establish the platform for this investment
to start taking place.
- Tongaat Hulett owns a prime landholding of some 1 100
developable hectares at Ntshongweni, straddling the N3
highway west of Durban near Hillcrest, and is collaborating
successfully with key government role-players to accelerate
planning processes and unlock key infrastructure to introduce
a new prime investment location into the Durban region
within the next few years and open up a significant new
and untapped market for Tongaat Hulett’s land conversion
activities. The company anticipates seeing land sales coming
out of some 296 developable hectares in this area during
the next five years, including a new super-regional shopping
centre and mixed use town centre, extensive light industrial
and logistics parks and further residential growth of the
Hillcrest area towards the N3 corridor.
- A prominent opportunity that offers substantial growth is the
creation of a market product to address the significant demand
for high-quality, well-located and affordable residential
neighbourhoods, incorporating all the attendant social
services such as education, healthcare and retail facilities.
Tongaat Hulett is focussing on this market throughout it’s
priority land areas.
- The coastal tourism, resort and lifestyle residential sectors
in KZN remain constrained by a lack of available land and
Tongaat Hulett is collaborating with various stakeholders to
address this need from within it’s prime coastal landholdings
north of Durban and Ballito.
More information on Tongaat Hulett’s land conversion activities
can be found here.
Tongaat Hulett’s evolution in the priority area of social
sustainability has become increasingly innovative.
This includes a holistic approach to socio-economic
development, corporate social responsibility and safety,
health and environment.
- Social sustainability and innovation are fundamental to
the business as Tongaat Hulett seeks demonstrable and
practical outcomes in terms of positive social transformation,
environmental stewardship and community-upliftment. The
evolution of Tongaat Hulett, in continuing to be regarded
as a responsible corporate citizen, has also over many years
seen the business continue to embrace good corporate
governance by adhering to legal and accepted business
practices as embodied in the principles of the King III
corporate governance framework. The company continues
to uphold the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility
by demonstrating to society its commitment to philanthropic
and empowerment initiatives within the communities in
which it operates.
- The safety and welfare of all employees, which amounts to
some 35 000 people during the peak milling period, remains
a key priority as the business strives towards establishing an
organisational culture with a zero harm approach.
- Tongaat Hulett has a substantial land footprint, with some
150 000 hectares of private land under maize supplying
the four starch operations while in Mozambique, South
Africa and Zimbabwe, more than 150 000 hectares of land
supply cane to the business’s eight sugar mills. It is within
this context that the company subscribes to principles of
sustainable development, which encompass safety, health
and environment.
- The business’s participation in various sustainability
reporting initiatives, including the Carbon Disclosure Project
(CDP), the CDP Water Disclosure Project, the Nedbank
Green Fund and its listing on the JSE’s Social Responsibility
Investment index for the tenth consecutive year, is testimony
to Tongaat Hulett’s committment to sustainability and
stakeholder value creation.