• | Corporate/organisational and strategic leadership |
• | Socio-economic development and sustainability |
• | Development economics |
• | Agriculture and agri-processing |
Chief Executive Sangena Investments
(Pty) Limited; MA (Econ Dev)
Bahle (53) is the Non-executive Chairman of Tongaat Hulett. He is also currently the Chairman of SABS and Roadcrete Africa (Pty) Ltd. He is a former Deputy Director General of the Department of Trade and Industry. He was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2007.

• | Corporate, multinational and strategic leadership |
• | Agriculture and agri-processing |
• | Land and property development |
• | Talent management and leadership development |
BSc (IND ENG)(HONS) (Cum Laude),
MBA (Pretoria)
Peter (63) lectured at the University of Pretoria before joining Tongaat Hulett in 1978. In 1990 he became Managing Director of Hulett Aluminium Rolled Products and in 1996 Managing Director of Hulett Aluminium. He was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 1997 and became Chief Executive Officer in May 2002. He was the Chairman of Hulett Aluminium from 2002 to July 2007. He is also the former Chairman of Trade & Investment KZN and now a Non-Executive Director of Hulamin.

• | Operational best practice |
• | Multinational organisational leadership |
• | Strategic insights |
• | Transformational leadership |
Director of Companies
Stephen (65) has extensive multinational business experience in many countries including Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. He had a long career at BP plc where he held several executive and leadership roles, including as former Managing Director of BP Africa Limited, CEO of BP Southern African (Pty) Limited and Managing Director of BP and Shell Marketing Services, Zimbabwe. He is currently a partner at SJS Energy, and actively consults on a range of energy issues to the energy sector. He was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in June 2014.

• | Risk management, assurance and corporate governance |
• | Financial and strategic leadership |
• | Corporate governance and ethics management |
• | Financial governance |
Director of Companies
Fatima (56) has in-depth experience in various facets of large corporate business, from both a strategic and operational perspective, including industrial relations, transformation and employment equity issues. She has worked in various industries, and in positions ranging from finance to general management. She is a Non-Executive Director of MMI Holdings Ltd, Clicks Group Ltd, certain MTN subsidiaries, Rand Refinery Pty Limited and AfriSam Group Pty Limited. Fatima was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2008.

• | Risk Management, assurance and corporate governance |
• | Financial and strategic leadership |
• | Financial governance |
• | Operational best practice |
Chief Audit Executive, FirstRand Group
Hons BCompt, CTA, CA (SA), CIA, QIA, F.Inst.D
Senior Executive Programme (Wits and Harvard),
Diploma in Company Direction
Jenitha (45) has held various financial and audit related roles at, inter alia, Discovery Holdings Ltd, Telkom SA (Ltd), Eskom, Toyota SA and RMBT Property Services (Marriott Group) prior to joining the FirstRand Group. Jenitha has served on many Boards and Audit Committees of both Public and Private sector entities. She is currently a Non-Executive Director at Nampak Ltd and also serves on the Audit Committee. She was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2007.

• | Risk Management, assurance and corporate governance |
• | Financial governance |
• | Agriculture and agri-processing |
Director of Companies
B.Acc (Hons), CA (Z), MBA
Rachel (58) previously worked in the financial services sector, specifically banking and insurance at various senior levels. She is also a former Finance Director and Chief Executive of Ariston Holdings, a Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listed company. She is currently a Non-Executive Director of Nicoz Diamond Insurance Company, Dairibord Holdings Limited and Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers Limited. She was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2009.

• | Entrepreneurship |
• | Strategic leadership |
• | Socio-economic development and sustainability |
• | Risk management, assurance and corporate |
Director of Companies
BA, Masters in City and Regional Planning, Spurs Fellowship (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) USA, Certificate in Engineering and Technology Management, Warwick University, UK
Nonhlanhla (58) is a business woman, and former Economic Advisor to the Presidency. She has worked as a city and regional planner in South Africa, a survey research supervisor at Washington State University, USA, an Executive Director at a subsidiary of Murray & Roberts, chairman of several housing funds, managing owner, and founder of women entrepreneurial organizations. She has certificates in Leadership (Harvard and Wharton Universities USA), and Technology Management (Warwick University, UK). She has more than 10 years’ experience as a board member in JSE listed companies. She was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2008.

• | Risk, assurance and corporate governance |
• | Human capital strategic talent management |
• | Transformational leadership |
Director of Companies
MA (Clin Psych)
Thandeka (61) is a social entrepreneur and has worked both in the private and public sectors within the economy of South Africa. She has attended numerous executive programmes at universities and leadership institutions, both locally and internationally. She serves on a number of boards, including as a non-executive director at South African Airways (Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Board member of South African Airways Technical), Assore Limited (member of SEC), Metair Investments (Chairman of the remuneration committee), BIOSS SA, Nduleni Strategic Solutions (Chairman), and is a Commissioner on the Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers. Prior to this, she was a non-executive director and Chair of the remuneration committee at the South African Reserve Bank, Deputy Chair of the National Nuclear Regulator, non-executive director and Chairman of the remuneration committee at Air Traffic Navigation Services and Chairman of the Road Freight Association. She was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2010.

• | Corporate/organisational and strategic leadership |
• | Human capital management |
• | Strategic marketing |
• | Transformational leadership |
Director of Companies
MCom (Business Economics)
Honorary Doctorate (Marketing)
Brand (69) currently serves as a non-executive Chairman of Metair Investments Limited, and is non-executive director on the boards of Reunert, Italtile, Agrinet and Tata Africa Holdings. He is also a member of the advisory boards of the READ Educational Trust, Partners for Possibility, Alexander Proudfoot, InvoTech, and the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa. Prior to this he had a long and distinguished career in the motor industry as Managing Director of Toyota South Africa Marketing and as CEO of McCarthy Limited. He retired as CEO of McCarthy and as an executive director of Bidvest on 1 March 2011. He was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2011.

• | Corporate, financial and strategic leadership |
• | Socio-economic development and sustainability |
• | Government relations and policy formulation |
• | Leadership development and talent management |
Director of Companies
MA (Economics)
Tomaz (62), is the former Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community (SADC, 2005 - 2013). At Regional level, he presided over the SADC roadmap for the preparatory process of the SADC Free Trade Area, which was launched by the SADC Summit in August 2008. He also guided the broad-based consultative process for the SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) culminating in its adoption by Summit in 2012. Prior to this, he made significant contributions in the development of his country in senior Government leadership including as Minister of Transport and Communications from 2000 to 2004; and as Minister of Finance and Planning (1994 to 1999). He also served as Governor for Mozambique at the African Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Witwatersrand School of Governance. He is also the non-executive Chairman of the Board of Standard Bank, Mozambique, and Cervejas de Mozambique, and is non-executive director of Metallon Corporation, UK. He was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in 2015.

• | Financial and strategic leadership |
• | Business operations across Southern Africa |
• | Agriculture and agri-processing |
• | Land and property development |
BCom, CA (SA)
Murray (51) commenced full-time employment by Tongaat Hulett in 1992, having been involved with the business since 1984. He has held a number of senior financial, commercial, market and general management positions in various operations. He assumed responsibility as the Financial Director and was appointed to the Tongaat Hulett Board in October 2003.