Risk management is recognised as being dynamic, evolving and integrated into the core of running the business. The approach to risk management in Tongaat Hulett includes being able to identify and describe / analyse risks at all levels throughout the organisation, with mitigating actions being implemented at the appropriate point of activity. The very significant, high impact risk areas and the related mitigating action plans are monitored at a Tongaat Hulett risk committee level. Risks and mitigating actions are given relevant visibility at various appropriate forums throughout the organisation.
In the normal course of its operations, Tongaat Hulett is exposed to inter alia capital, credit, foreign currency, interest, liquidity and commodity price risks. In order to manage these risks, Tongaat Hulett may enter into transactions, which make use of derivatives. They include forward exchange contracts (FECs) and options, interest rate swaps and commodity futures and options. Separate committees are used to manage risks and hedging activities. Tongaat Hulett does not speculate in or engage in the trading of derivative instruments. Since derivative instruments are utilised for risk management, market risk relating to derivative instruments will be offset by changes in the valuation of the underlying assets, liabilities or transactions being hedged. The overall risk strategy remains unchanged from previous years.
Capital risk management
Tongaat Huletts overall strategy around capital structure remains unchanged from previous years and is continually reviewed in budgeting and business planning processes. Tongaat Hulett manages its capital to ensure that its operations are able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through an appropriate debt and equity balance. The capital structure of Tongaat Hulett consists of debt, which includes borrowings, cash and cash equivalents and equity.
Credit risk
Financial instruments do not represent a concentration of credit risk because Tongaat Hulett deals with a variety of major banks and its accounts receivable and loans are spread among a number of major industries, customers and geographic areas. The credit risk on liquid funds and derivative financial instruments is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies. In addition, appropriate credit committees review significant credit transactions before consummation. Where considered appropriate, use is made of credit guarantee insurance. A suitable provision is made for doubtful debts. Financial guarantee contracts are accounted for as insurance arrangements.
Past due trade receivables
Included in trade receivables are debtors which are past the expected collection date (past due) at the reporting date and no provision has been made as there has not been a significant change in credit quality and the amounts are still considered recoverable. No collateral is held over these balances. A summarised age analysis of past due debtors is set out below:
Foreign currency risk
In the normal course of business, Tongaat Hulett enters into transactions denominated in foreign currencies. As a result Tongaat Hulett is subject to transaction and translation exposure from fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. A variety of instruments are used to minimise foreign currency exchange rate risk in terms of its risk management policy. In principle it is the policy to cover foreign currency exposure in respect of liabilities and purchase commitments and an appropriate portion of foreign currency exposure on receivables. There were no speculative positions in foreign currencies at period end. All foreign exchange contracts are supported by underlying transactions. Tongaat Hulett is not reliant on imported raw materials to any significant extent. The fair value of the forward exchange contracts was established with reference to quoted prices and are categorised as Level 1 under the fair value hierarchy.
Forward exchange contracts that constitute designated hedges of currency risk at period end are summarised as follows:
Consolidated |
Company |
31 March |
31 December |
31 March |
31 December |
2010 |
2008 |
2010 |
2008 |
Average |
Commitment |
Fair value |
Fair value |
Average |
Commitment |
Fair value |
Fair value |
contract |
of FEC |
of FEC |
contract |
of FEC |
of FEC |
rate |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
rate |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
Imports |
US dollar |
7,64 |
10 |
7,64 |
10 |
Exports |
US dollar |
7,98 |
175 |
8 |
(19) |
7,98 |
175 |
8 |
(19) |
Australian dollar |
7,13 |
22 |
1 |
2 |
7,13 |
22 |
1 |
2 |
197 |
9 |
(17) |
197 |
9 |
(17) |
Net total |
207 |
9 |
(17) |
207 |
9 |
(17) |
The hedges in respect of imports and exports are expected to mature within approximately one year.
The fair value is the estimated amount that would be paid or received to terminate the forward exchange contracts in arms length transactions at the statement of financial position date.
Forward exchange contracts that do not constitute designated hedges of currency risk at period end are summarised as follows:
Consolidated |
Company |
31 March |
31 December |
31 March |
31 December |
2010 |
2008 |
2010 |
2008 |
Average |
Commitment |
Fair value |
Fair value |
Average |
Fair value |
Fair value |
contract |
of FEC |
of FEC |
contract |
of FEC |
of FEC |
rate |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
rate |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
Imports |
US dollar |
7,74 |
3 |
(1) |
7,74 |
3 |
(1) |
Although not designated as a hedge for accounting purposes, these forward exchange contracts represent cover of existing foreign currency exposure.
Tongaat Hulett has the following uncovered foreign receivables:
Consolidated |
Company |
Foreign |
31 March |
31 December |
Foreign |
31 March |
31 December |
amount |
2010 |
2008 |
amount |
2010 |
2008 |
(million) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(million) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
US dollar |
2 |
16 |
27 |
2 |
14 |
27 |
Australian dollar |
3 |
18 |
35 |
3 |
18 |
35 |
New Zealand dollar |
1 |
35 |
62 |
32 |
62 |
The impact of a 10% strengthening or weakening of the Rand on the uncovered Australian dollar receivable will have a R2 million (31 December 2008 - R3 million) impact on profit before tax and a R1 million (31 December 2008 - R2 million) impact on equity. The impact of a 10% strengthening or weakening of the Rand on the uncovered US dollar receivable will have a R2 million (31 December 2008 - R3 million) impact on profit before tax and a R1 million (31 December 2008 - R2 million) impact on equity. The impact of a 10% strengthening or weakening of the Rand on the uncovered New Zealand dollar receivable will have a R0,1 million (31 December 2008 - nil) impact on profit before tax and a R0,1 million (31 December 2008 - nil) impact on equity.
Commodity price risk
Commodity price risk arises from the risk of an adverse effect on current or future earnings resulting from fluctuations in the prices of commodities. To hedge prices for Tongaat Huletts substantial commodity requirements, commodity futures and options are used, including fixed and spot-defined forward sales contracts and call and put options.
The starch operation has secured its maize requirements for the current maize season to 31 May 2010 and a significant portion of its requirements for the year ending 31 May 2011 by using a combination of unpriced procurement contracts and purchases and sales of maize futures.
The fair value of the commodity futures contracts which are set out below, was established with reference to quoted prices and are categorised as Level 1 under the fair value hierarchy.
Consolidated |
Company |
31 March |
31 Dec |
31 March |
31 Dec |
2010 |
2008 |
2010 |
2008 |
Tons |
Contract |
Fair |
Fair |
Tons |
Contract |
Fair |
Fair |
value |
value |
value |
value |
value |
value |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
(Rmillion) |
Futures - hedge accounted: |
Maize futures sold |
3 500 |
4 |
(3) |
(3) |
3 500 |
4 |
(3) |
(3) |
Maize futures purchased |
6 800 |
8 |
6 800 |
8 |
(3) |
(3) |
(3) |
(3) |
Period when cash flow expected to occur |
2010/11 |
2009 |
2010/11 |
2009 |
When expected to affect profit |
2010/11 |
2009 |
2010/11 |
2009 |
Amount recognised in equity during the period |
5 |
(9) |
5 |
(9) |
Amount transferred from equity and recognised in profit or loss |
10 |
(4) |
10 |
(4) |
Interest rate risk
Tongaat Hulett is exposed to interest rate risk on its fixed rate loan liabilities and accounts receivable and payable, which can impact on the fair value of these instruments. Tongaat Hulett is also exposed to interest rate cash flow risk in respect of its variable rate loans and short-term cash investments, which can impact on the cash flows of these instruments. The exposure to interest rate risk is managed through the cash management system, which enables Tongaat Hulett to maximise returns while minimising risks. The impact of a 50 basis point move in interest rates will have a R18 million (31 December 2008 - R15 million) effect on profit before tax and a R13 million (31 December 2008 - R11 million) impact on equity.
Liquidity risk
Tongaat Hulett manages its liquidity risk by monitoring forecast cash flows on a weekly basis. There are unutilised established banking facilities in excess of R1 billion (31 December 2008 - R755 million). Tongaat Hulett continues to meet the covenants associated with its long-term unsecured South African debt facility. Borrowings inclusive of interest projected at current interest rates:
Consolidated |
rate (%) |
within 1 year |
1 to 2 years |
2 to 5
years |
After 5
years |
adjustment |
Total |
31 March 2010 |
Bank loans |
8,2 |
1 909 |
228 |
1 225 |
(521) |
2 841 |
Foreign loans |
10,2 |
315 |
6 |
14 |
4 |
(33) |
306 |
Other borrowings |
8,6 |
413 |
(17) |
396 |
Financial lease liability |
8,9 |
1 |
9 |
6 |
(2) |
14 |
Other non-interest bearing liabilities |
1 671 |
2 |
1 673 |
Net settled derivatives |
3 |
3 |
Total for Tongaat Hulett |
4 312 |
245 |
1 245 |
4 |
(573) |
5 233 |
Non-recourse equity- settled BEE borrowings |
93 |
81 |
760 |
(147) |
787 |
Total including SPV debt |
4 405 |
326 |
2 005 |
4 |
(720) |
6 020 |
31 December 2008 |
Bank loans |
12,9 |
1 407 |
253 |
661 |
899 |
(865) |
2 355 |
Foreign loans |
17,7 |
169 |
13 |
26 |
(30) |
178 |
Other borrowings |
13,4 |
442 |
(28) |
414 |
Financial lease liability |
13,0 |
1 |
1 |
(1) |
1 |
Other non-interest bearing liabilities |
1 533 |
2 |
5 |
1 540 |
Net settled derivatives |
23 |
23 |
Total for Tongaat Hulett |
3 575 |
269 |
692 |
899 |
(924) |
4 511 |
Non-recourse equity- settled BEE borrowings |
66 |
101 |
304 |
515 |
(194) |
792 |
Total including SPV debt |
3 641 |
370 |
996 |
1 414 |
(1 118) |
5 303 |