12 months to | 12 months to | 15 months to | |
31 March | 31 March | 31 March | |
2011 | 2010 | 2010 | |
Revenue (Rmillion) | 9 681 | 8 789 | 11 136 |
Profit from operations (Rmillion) | 1 338 | 1 500 | 1 691 |
Operating profit (Rmillion) | 1 606 | 1 535 | 3 687 |
Headline earnings (Rmillion) | 806 | 815 | 858 |
Headline earnings per share - basic (cents) | 760,5 | 788,5 | 826,5 |
Annual dividend per share (cents) | 250,0 | 275,0 | 275,0 |